• Opening Time : 9:30 AM - 6:00 PM

MPNP Point Grid – Basic Eligibility

All applicants must complete the MPNP Self-assessment Worksheet (except applicants who are currently working in Manitoba).
 Instructions: Determine your points for each of the five factors below. Note that all applicants must have a Connection to Manitoba, under Factor 5: Adaptability. If you do not have a Connection to Manitoba you are NOT eligible to apply, regardless of your points total.
Your worksheet is a required document with your application. For an application to be accepted for consideration you must score at least 60 points. If you score less than 60 points in the MPNP Self-assessment Worksheet you are not eligible to apply.
The MPNP points grid and worksheet are for self-assessment and personal information only. Actual assessment is done by the MPNP after you submit your application, complete with supporting documents and Settlement Plan Part 1, according to current criteria and information on eligibility, policy and procedure published on the MPNP website, immigratemanitoba.com, on the date your application is received by the MPNP.